Ural Institute
Propaganda onPrevention and Control of the Novel Coronavirus-Related Pneumonia (the COVID-19)
a. Wash Your Hands Frequently and Properly
1. How can you protect yourselves?
(1) Wash your hands frequently. Wash your hands with soap andrunning water thoroughly, using disposable paper towel or clean towel to wipeyour hands. You should wash your hands immediately after exposure torespiratory secretions (e.g. after sneezing).
(2) Maintain good respiratory hygiene. When coughing and sneezing, covermouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue, clean your hands with alcohol-basedhand rub or soap and water, avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with yourhands.
(3) Strengthen your immune systemand exercise regularly. Maintain a balanced diet, keep regular exercise andwork schedule to avoid excessive fatigue.
(4) Keep your house clean andventilation. Open the window for ventilation no less than 3 times a day, eachtime 20 to 30 minutes. When the air quality is poor, the frequency and time ofventilation should be appropriately reduced.
(5) Minimize activities in crowdedareas and avoid contact with people with respiratory infections.
(6) If you have respiratorysymptoms, such as sneezing, coughing, fever, it’s important to stay at homeisolated, and if the fever persists or symptoms worsen, you need to seekmedical care promptly.
正確洗手是預防腹瀉和呼吸道感染的最有效措施之一。國家疾病預防與控制中心、WHO及美國CDC 等權威機構均推薦用肥皂和清水(流水)充分洗手。
2. Is hand washing useful forpreventing respiratory infectious diseases?
Washingyour hands properly is one of the most effective ways to prevent diarrhea andrespiratory infections. Institutions such as the Chinese Center for DiseaseControl and Prevention, the World Health Organization and the United StatesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention recommend washing hands thoroughlywith soap and water (running water).
3. Follow these six steps to wash your hands properly:
(1) Rub hands palm to palm (rub palms together fivetimes);
(2) Interface fingers and rub the hands together (rightpalm over back of left hand, left palm over back of right hand five timeseach);
(3) Palm to palm fingers interfaced ( five times);
(4) Rub fingertips on palm for both hands( five times);
(5) Rotational rubbing of left thumb clasped in rightpalm and vice versa (five times) ;
(6) Rotational rubbing, backwards and forwards withclasped fingers of right hand in left palm and vice versa (five times).
4. When should you wash your hands?
(1) Before and after passingfiles;
(2) After coughingor sneezing;
(3) Before,during, and after preparingfood;
(4) Before eating food;
(5) After using the toilet;
(6) After touching garbage;
(7) After touchingothers;
(8) After touching an animal;
(9) After returninghome;
(10) Before and after changing work clothes.
5. What should you do when you can’t use water?
If soap and water are not readily available, youcan use handsanitizer, but if thereare obvious contaminants or chemicals on your hands, you must wash your hands.
b. You should wear a mask when you are outdoors
1.How to choose amask?
Option A: Disposable medical surgical masks should be replacedafter wearing for 4 hours. Replace immediately after contamination or moisture.
Option B: Medical protective masks should be replaced after 4hours of continuous wear. Replace immediately after contamination or moisture.
2. Wear masks correctly
Instructions for using disposable medicalsurgical masks:
Wash hands before wearing medical masks or avoid touching theinner side of masks while wearing masks to reduce masks pollution risk.Distinguish the inside and outside and up and down of masks, i.e., the lightsurface is the inside of masks, which closes to mouth and nose, and the darksurface is the outside of masks; the metal strip (nose clip) side is the upsideof masks.
3. How do special people wear masks?
(1) Pregnant womenshould pay attention to their own conditions and choose products with goodcomfort.
(2) The elderly andpatients with chronic diseases of the heart and lung may cause discomfort afterwearing it, and even worsen the original condition. Professional guidance froma doctor should be sought.
(3) Children are atthe stage of growth and development, and their faces are small, so childprotective masks should be chosen.
I. Personal Protection
1. How to prevent the COVID-19 infections at home?
(1) Strengtheninghealth care consciousness, keeping regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and not staying up late, which can improve self immunity;
(2) Maintain good personal hygiene,Maintain good personal hygiene, Wash your hands frequently and thoroughlywithout touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with dirty hands;
(3) Ventilate the room and keep itclean and tidy;
(4) Avoid close contact with people who have symptoms ofrespiratory infection such as fever, cough, sneeze and etc.;
(5) Avoid going to crowed places,wear a mask if transport or movement is necessary;
(6) Avoid contact with wildanimals or farmed livestock;
(7) Handle raw meat, milkor animal organs in accordance with good food safety practices to avoidcross-contamination with under-cooked food;
(8) Pay close attention tosymptoms such as fever and cough. Be sure to seekmedical treatment in the nearest place when such symptoms occur.
2.What should you eat during the COVID-19 outbreak?
(1) Do not consume diseased livestockproducts; purchase frozen poultry from regular sources and eat cooked meat, eggand milk;
(2) Separate cutting boards and knives forraw and cooked food. Wash hands between raw and cooked food;
(3) Even in outbreak areas, meat can besafely eaten if it is thoroughly cooked and properly handled during foodpreparation.
3. How to prevent the COVID-19 infections when going to public places?
(1) Avoid contact withwild animals or farmed livestock without any protection;
(2) Maintain constantventilation in the workplace;
(3) In places with alot of people (shopping malls, buses, subways, airplanes, etc.), disposablemedical surgical masks can be worn to reduce the risk of exposure to pathogens;
(4) When coughing andsneezing, cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue. Immediately throw the tissue into a closed bin and clean yourhands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water;
(5) Wash your handsafter returning home;
(6) If you haverespiratory symptoms of sneeze, cough, fever,it’s important to stay at home forisolation, and if fever persists or symptoms worsen, you need to seek medicalcare promptly;
(7) All kinds ofdinners and parties should be avoided during the epidemic season.
4. How to prevent the COVID-19 infections when going tothe fresh market?
(1) Wash hands withsoap and water after touching animals and animal products;
(2) Avoid touchingeyes, nose and mouth;
(3) Avoid contact withsick animals and diseased meat;
(4) Avoid contact withstray animals and waste water in the market.
5. Home isolation formild fever cases
(1) If conditions permit, it is better tolive alone and be isolated from others;
(2) When unable to live alone, place thepatient in a well-ventilated single room;
(3) Minimize escort, and arrange only oneperson who is in good health and without chronic diseases when necessary;
(4) Caregivers and patients in the sameroom should properly wear disposable medical surgical masks;
(5) Caregivers need to wash hands in andout of the quarantine;
(6) Restrict patient activity and minimizeactivity sharing areas for patients and family members. Ensure that sharedareas (kitchen, bathroom, etc.) are well ventilated (windows open);
(7) All access is denied.
1.What is the COVID-19?
Coronavirus isolated from lower respiratorytract of patients with unexplained pneumonia in Wuhan is a new type ofcoronavirus, named by WHO as 2019-nCoV.
2.Who is susceptibleto the COVID-19?
The crowd is generally susceptible.The COVID-19-infected pneumoniacan occur in people with low immune function and normal immune function, whichis related to the amount of virus exposure.For people with poor immune function,such as the elderly, pregnant women or patients with liver and kidneydysfunction, and those with chronic diseases, the condition is more severeafter infection.
3. What are the routes of transmission of the COVID-19?
It seems that the virus is transmitted via droplets, direct contact and bycoming into contact with contaminated surfaces and objects, and spread close in respiratory aerosolsof different sizes. Currently, short-range droplet transmission should be themain route.
4. Will the virus pass from person to person?
Yes. The COVID-19 can be transmitted through contact and droplets, which doesnot exclude the possibility of airborne transmission.
5. What are the close contacts?
It refers to a person who haslived or worked with a confirmed or highly suspected case within 14 days whichincludes office colleagues, colleagues in the same classroom, dormitory,classmates, and passengers on the same plane. And other forms of direct contactinclude the accompany of virus infected patients, taxis, elevators, etc.
6. Precautions for close contacts
All people (including medical staff) who maybe in contact with a suspected infection should have a 14-day healthobservation period.
The observation period starts from the last day of contact withthe patient. If you have any symptoms, especially fever, respiratory symptomssuch as cough, shortness of breath, or diarrhea, seek medical attention as soonas possible!
7. Monitoring recommendations for closecontacts
(1) If contacts showsymptoms, inform the hospital in advance that they will go to the hospital.
(2) On the way to thehospital, patients should wear disposable medical surgical masks.
(3) Avoid using publictransportation, call an ambulance or use a private vehicle to transportpatients. If possible, open windows on the road.
(4) People who haveclose contact with patients should always keep respiratory hygiene and cleanhands. Whether standing on the road or sitting in the hospital, keep a certaindistance (at least one meter) from others.
(5) The surface of anyobject contaminated with respiratory secretions or body fluids should becleaned and disinfected with a disinfectant containing diluted bleach.
8. Prevention andControl Measures for the COVID-19
(1) Wash your handsfrequently and wear disposable medical surgical masks when going out;
(2) Regularventilation of the room;
(3) Cleaning anddisinfection: The COVID-19 is sensitive to heat. Soaking it in hot water at 56℃ for 30 minutes, 75% alcohol, and chlorine-containing disinfectant caneffectively inactivate the virus.
新型冠狀病毒感染的肺炎患者主要臨床表現為發熱🤽🏿♀️、乏力,呼吸道症狀以幹咳為主,並逐漸出現呼吸困難,嚴重者表現為急性呼吸窘迫綜合征、膿毒症休克、難以糾正的代謝性酸中毒和出凝血功能障礙。部分患者起病症狀輕微,可無發熱。多數患者為中輕症,愈後良好,少數患者病情危重💂🏻🕺🏽,甚至死亡。如出現發熱🦻🏼、乏力🛼、幹咳表現,並不意味著已經被感染了。但如果出現(1)發熱 (腋下體溫≥37.3℃)、咳嗽、氣促等急性呼吸道感染症狀;(2)在發病前14天內有武漢地區或其他有本地病例持續傳播地區的旅行史或居住史👩🏼🏫;發病前14天內曾接觸過來自武漢市或其他有本地病例持續傳播地區的發熱或有呼吸道症狀的患者🔆;有聚集性發病或與新型冠狀病毒感染者有流行病學關聯👩🏼🦳👬🏻。應到當地指定醫療機構進行排查、診治。
1.When to see adoctor?
The main clinical manifestations of patients with pneumoniainfected by the COVID-19 are fever and fatigue with dry cough as the main symptoms ofrespiratory tract, and gradually have difficulty breathing. In severe cases,acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, difficult-to-correctmetabolic acidosis, and coagulation disorders are common. Some patients havemild onset symptoms without fever. Most of the patients are mild to moderateand recovered well, and a few patients are critically ill and even died. Theappearance of fever, fatigue, and dry cough does not mean that you have beeninfected. However, if you has (1) a fever (underarm temperature ≥ 37.3 ℃), cough, shortness of breath and other acute respiratoryinfection symptoms occur;(2) travel history or residence history in Wuhan areaor other areas with continuous local case transmission within 14 days beforeonset; contacted patients with fever or respiratory symptoms who have come fromWuhan or other areas where local cases continue to spread within 14 days beforeonset; aggressive clustering or epidemiological association with the COVID-19 infections, you should go to the local designated medical institutionsfor investigation, diagnosis and treatment.
2. Precautions for medical treatment
(1) If the contactperson develops symptoms, it is necessary to select a designated hospital witha fever clinic in advance.
(2) Disposable medicalsurgical masks should be worn on the way to the hospital and throughout thevisit.
(3) Avoid publictransportation. Call an ambulance or use a private vehicle to transportpatients. If possible, open windows on the road.
(4) People who haveclose contact with patients should always keep respiratory hygiene and cleanhands. Whether standing on the road or sitting in the hospital, keep a certaindistance (at least one meter) from others.
(5) The surface of anyobject contaminated with respiratory secretions or body fluids should becleaned and disinfected with a disinfectant containing diluted bleach.
(6) During medicaltreatment, the patient’s condition and medical treatment process shall betruthfully described, especially inform the doctor if there is a recent Wuhantravel and residence history, contact history of pneumonia patients orsuspected patients, animal contact history, etc.
February 2020